Saturday, December 13, 2008

Mindanao War Photo Exhibit...

As I saw the "Mindanao War" photo exhibit, I was really fascinated with it. It was really great and amazing seeing the reality what was happening in Mindanao nowadays. from the faces of the MILF up to the victims of war,Capturing those shots is not easy yet they have done it very good. I salute those people behind those photos for they done a very good exhibit. They let us, people witness the revelations of the expressions of people their in Mindanao war.Its not easy to take photos on that scene on the spot and in the middle of war....
I appreciate it...

Monday, November 24, 2008

mdg goal ...

Among the 7 mdg goals, mdg goal 3 which is gender equality and empower women really captivate my heart with understanding.... As a woman this is a big thing for me, discrimination for women should fade off. Because women and men are the same creature of God. Women deserves to respect as it should.Base on my goal, I define development as a turtle. Very slow in motion. The development for this goal is very slow. This is not only a small thing that we can just set aside for women in the globe are screaming, screaming for their rights.
Respect and equality is what they need.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My second chance,....

I was not expecting that this thing would be given back to me, I doubted if it is true,... but unexpectedly it was,.. This would be the time to learn a lesson, treasure things very important. Specially the things which is for your own good... I should exert effort for this in order not to be blinded again,.. Look things seriously and act maturely,...
I already face how difficult to be messed up with something very important in your life. I don't want that scene to come back...thats why now is the time to move...
I thank God for hearing all my prayers.....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

what is communication in your own words?

COMMUNICATION 4 me is a process of interaction of groups or individual by means of speaking, singing and sometimes tone of voice, and nonverbal, physical means, such as body language, sign language or even the use of writing.... Communication also is an articulation of transmitting message through different media... as I've said a while ago that this delivers through verbal or nonverbal, so long as it transmits a thought provoking idea, gesture and even action. This is one signifiant thing that we should have to develop socially and mentally..